Neck Pain Treatment in Palm Coast

Palm Coast Acupuncture & Chiropractic specializes
in treating Neck Pain

Suffering From Neck Pain in Palm Coast?

Palm Coast Acupuncture and Chiropractic can help

Neck pain can be a real, well, pain in the neck! If you have been living with neck pain you know how difficult it makes even the simplest things in life become. From difficulty turning your head to sleeping at night, it’s no wonder neck pain is the 2nd most common reason why people see the best chiropractor in Palm Coast. Understanding the cause of your neck pain is the first step to correcting the problem and why we perform a thorough exam on all of our new patients. With a proper diagnosis, we can almost always achieve better and longer-lasting results for both short-term and long term relief from many of the most common types of neck pain. In the following article, we will discuss what are the most common causes of neck pain and how Palm Coast Acupuncture and Chiropractic can help.
Man suffering from pain in neck. Symptom of cervical chondrosis. Inflammation of vertebra, back view

Neck Pain in Palm Coast

Enhance Your Life

Many people don’t pay enough attention to their spinal problems. They simply hope that if they wait long enough their pain will eventually go away. In some cases it will, but in many, the underlying condition is still there. Like an untreated toothache, if the problem is not corrected the pain can return and become much more serious than had they taken care of the issue when it was small.

The area of the neck composes some of the most complicated regions of the body. It allows for both structural support yet gives ample movement to bend twist and turn the most important part of your body, the head. This proves great if you would like to look over your shoulder while backing out of the drive way but can become problematic during a car crash.

Anatomically, the neck is arranged in overlapping layers of muscle and connective tissue much like layers of an onion. The deeper the muscular layer, the more sensitive the structure becomes. When a deep muscle cramps or spasms it can pull the vertebra out of its normal alignment and irritate the joints and nerves of the neck.

Neck Hump, Posture and Headaches

Sit up straight! Shoulders back! Head up! Sound familiar? Turns out your mother might have been right all along. Slouching posture, rounded shoulders, a forward head are all signs of chronic and over worked muscles. The head weighs as much as 15lbs or roughly the weight of a medium sized bowling ball. When properly supported by the neck and spine we can carry this weight around almost effortlessly. But when we slouch and the head starts to creep forward. It has been estimated that for every inch the head is forward of the shoulders, it’s the equivalent of adding an additional 10 lbs to the head! No wonder why we develop neck pain and headaches. If left untreated long enough, pain and headaches become more frequent and will eventually start to pull the vertebra out of alignment. The joints of the spine start to swell and slouching forward provides temporary relief. This sets up a habit where the individual slouches more and more and eventually develops what is commonly known as the neck hump. In most cases, this “hump” can be mitigated or even reversed but if left too long then it can become permanent.

Disk Herniation

In a more complex joint, such as the spine, there is a shock absorbing disk between the bones. The disk is arranged much like a jelly doughnut with a soft squishy core surrounded by a tough outer layer called the annulis. When the disk is damaged, the jelly-like center is pushed to the outside and causes a bulge. This is a surprisingly common condition affecting a majority of people. While it is common, it’s not always painful. Pain is usually determined by location and size of the bulge. For example, if the bulge happens to irritate a surround nerve, shooting or electric-like pain is often felt traveling down an arm or leg. People commonly refer to this condition as “sciatica” in the leg or “carpel tunnel” in the arms or hand. It is important that this condition is properly identified and treated as soon as possible as these conditions can be permanent if left untreated.

Stress and Neck Pain

Have you ever heard that someone “carries all their stress in their neck and shoulders?” How about their low back? Tight muscles, cramps and spasms are very real responses to outside stimuli, both real or perceived. The longer the stress has been acting on the body the worse the tightening usually is. If a low-grade spasm has been present for long enough a trigger point develops. Trigger points are areas of stress within the muscle that are usually painful to the touch and require the help of a professional to resolve. The neck and shoulders are VERY common areas for muscle spasms and trigger points when high levels of stress hormones are released for long periods of time. Chiropractors are uniquely capable at helping relax tight muscles and resolve painful spasms as well as educating the patient on how to prevent them from returning.

Why Choose Palm Coast Acupuncture and Chiropractic?

Importance of Treating the Cause of Neck Pain

The neck is a unique and special structure. It comprises of 7 cervical vetebra and over 20 muscles that help your bend twist and move. If one of these vertebrae are pulled out of alignment by a muscle spasm or injury, then the joints above and below the injured area will “pick up the slack” and move more than they should. You can tell when someone has one of these areas by the need to constantly “crack” their neck multiple times a day. Much like taking a pain reliever, it may help in the short term but never gets to the actual problem. Chiropractic treatment is a non-surgical, non-pharmaclogical way of treating the structures that lead to the majority of neck pain. Through a specific and thorough exam, a personalized treatment plan is established and gentle treatments rendered to bring relief and restore function. If you have questions about how our team at Palm Coast Acupuncture and Chiropractic can help you, contact us by calling (386) 225-6134 or schedule your appointment by clicking below.

Start Your Journey to Better Health Today

If you’re ready to experience the benefits of acupuncture, contact us at Palm Coast Acupuncture and Chiropractic to schedule your consultation. Our skilled practitioners are here to provide a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re looking to alleviate pain, reduce stress, improve your sleep, or simply enhance your overall well-being, we are here to help you achieve optimal health through acupuncture and complementary therapies.